real estate photographer prime perspectives
real estate photographer tasmania

Some helpful tips on getting your home ready for real estate photography, floor plan drafting, 3D Sketches, and cinematography.

We understand that preparing your home for real estate media can be a somewhat daunting task, however, we’re here to assist you with grasping the perfect media. Whether you’re wishing to sell, rent, or seek that 3D render visual of what your beautiful new will look like.

We’re a professional real estate media production team specializing in floor plan sketching, drafting, 3d renders from architectural plans, photography, and video productions. We can’t wait to photograph your home. We service Tasmania wide but have access to contractors in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. We’d love to assist you with your inquiry.

Let's discuss the basics upon preparing your home for Video and photography for your real estate listing. 

Please view the below video presentation, followed by some key points to read through afterwards.

We hope this assists your vendors in progressing them forward to photographing their home.

Before real estate photography and video is conducted at your home, we suggest you:

  • Ensure your home is looking tidy all around with the basics. having been vacuumed, dusted, beds made, and de-cluttered

  • Decluttering your home makes a vital impact on your presentation and informs potential buyers of the true space available.

  • Don’t overthink this and remove any furniture unless it’s taking up a lot of space, I’m talking more about removing things on benches, the shoes in the hallway, mail, newspapers, kids toys, and pet bowls. 

  • The kitchen and bathrooms are notorious for clutter. Hiding any unnecessary shampoo bottles, hair straighteners, hairdryers, fridge magnets, and shabby looking towels are a good idea. 

  • Adding plant life to a home also modernizes and makes it look vibrant. Sometimes we’ll capture detailed shots of styling, and plants to make everything look great. Just ensure any dead leaves are tended to.

  • Some other small touches may include highlighting your feature areas. This shows a potential buyer of the lifestyle they may walk into when buying your house. Wine on a benchtop in a kitchen, platter in an outdoor entertaining area, pillows within a ‘reading nook’. 

  • Ensure all areas are unlocked for us to sketch up your floor plan and measure dimensions.

  • Prior to us arriving, we request that you open all of your blinds, and turn all of the lights in the house on, including bedside tables in bedrooms. This is an important step that’ll ensure efficient capture of your home. Some blinds can be tricky to open and we don’t want to break anything that requires your tongue to be twisted the correct way to open it up...

These steps make your home look immaculate. You’ll be showing its true space and potential and your media will come up great, hopefully resulting in a great sale price. 

As for our 3D sketching work, simply send us your design with your styling guide and colour requirement and we’ll get straight to work! 

We look forward to meeting you at your home and servicing your Tasmanian home with great media.